How to reach us

Il Alpino Rifugio La Chardousë is in Borgata Vazon 5
Municipality of Oulx – ZIP code 10056 (TO)
High Susa Valley – Piedmont Regio (Italy)

CONTAct us
Mobiles: +39.339.6085107 – +39.338.9343937

By car
Turn off the Turin to Bardonecchia motorway at the Oulx East exit.
Turn right after the bridge in the centre of Oulx.
Then left immediately afterwards at strada Cotolivier.
Follow the signs to Refuge La Chardousë – Vazon for about 6 km along the mountain road until you reach the refuge carpark.

On foot
From Oulx – walk along strada Cotolivier until the end of the built-up area.
Then take the path marked with the letter “G”, following the notices for the refuge for a distance of about 2 km.
Take the turning on the left for Chateau and you will arrive in the village of Pierremenaud.
A path on the right, at the end of the built-up area, leads to Borgata Vazon. You will find us in the centre of the village near the church.

From Amazas – follow the main road from Oulx to Cesana. Leave your car at the turning for the village of Amazas, near a bridge over the River Dora. Continue on foot as far as the village of Amazas. An old cart track turns left, leading to Soubras. From the fountain in the centre of Soubras continue along the path indicated for the refuge in the village of Vazon. It’s an easy walk of about 1 hour, 15 minutes – climbing about 450 metres.

From Chateau Beaulard: walk about 7 km.from Oulx towards Bardonecchia. Turn right and continue to the village of Chateau Beaulard at a height of 1,390m.
At the end of the built-up area follow the directions for Cotolivier – Vazon – Rifugio La Chardouse on the left.
Cross the bridge and continue for about 50 metres along a bend in the unpaved road until a mule path begins on the right.
After a few more steps, leave the main path which goes up to Cotolivier and turn left in the direction of Vazon – Rifugio La Chardouse.
Walk the entire stretch of the path through the wood, following the notices, and the white and red directions on the side of the trees that line the path.
Cross the flat areas to find the path again on the opposite side of the meadow. After walking for about an hour and twenty minutes, you’ll reach the military road to Madonna del Cotolivier. From here, walk down towards the built up area of Vazon, where you can find the refuge in a few minutes.